I am a Coach!

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“I am a Coach!” Remembering the first time I said this out loud, I knew this was right. Coaching is my passion; coaching is what I’ve been doing for most of my life. The setting has shifted through the years, from community recreation sports to marketing to congregations; the process is still the same. Basically, as a coach, I help people embrace the good that is within them and move forward.

My friend and fellow coach, Jane Creswell, defines this process as asking questions that help people focus on obstacles preventing them from making forward progress  (Complete Idiot’s Guide, Coaching for Excellence introduction.) The effective coach listens actively and helps the client develop strategies and put ideas into action that translate into personal and professional growth.

  These days, leaders are my main coaching clients. My coaching is around management, personal health, and creativity. My clients energize me as they claim progress to improve their careers. My mentor coach also keeps me moving forward. For me, coaching is most energizing and gratifying work!

            So, how does Coaching differ from other “professional advisor” people?

·       The Counselor says, “Yes, I think I can help you and the solution is in your past.”

·       The Consultant says, “Yes, I think I can help you and the solution is in my observations.”

·       The Coach says, “Yes, I’ll help you help yourself right now to realize a brighter future.”

      The coach listens intentionally, hearing nuances in the conversation and being curious about meaning.  The coach is focused on the present, dancing in the moment as the client leads in directions that cannot be predicted. The coach remembers always that the focus is on the client NOT on the coach. The discoveries of the coaching event happen because the client uncovers and the embraces those discoveries. The coach is there to guide the journey and give feedback to the client. 

There is nothing more exciting than the “Ah Ha!” moments for the client! Coaching helps the client focus on the future and moving forward. Coaching is about the client not the coach. Coaching makes a difference. I am a coach!