Do you need Coaching?
Coaching is the fastest growing service provider in the nation…perhaps the world. Corporations and Congregations are learning that providing a professional coach for an executive leader/manager is a value-added benefit. Coaching focuses on the challenge that a leader is facing RIGHT NOW. Coaching focuses on the person being coached and not the ego of the Coach. Coaching provides real-time feedback for the leader to implement immediately.
Coaching focuses on the YOU, the person being coached. Coaching is about your agenda NOT the agenda of the Coach. The best coaches listen intensely for about 90% of a conversation and give insights about 10% of the time. Coaches listen and provide feedback to issues voiced by the person being coached.
The most effective coaches ask insightful and curious questions that keep the person being coached talking, reflecting, and diving deeper. Coaches lead transformative change experiences as opposed to reactive change experiences. The coaching relationship is all about the next set of decisions not looking for blame or past issues. Past mistakes or short-comings are viewed as opportunities for learning and personal growth. Contact us and let us help you begin reaching solutions and moving forward.
Bo Prosser is the Director of Coaching for the Rural Clergy Initiative.