Your support helps sustain us.
Our parent organization, Center for Christian Education, exists to provide leadership training, spiritual formation, and Christian education events and consultations to ministers and church leaders. We deliver catalytic coaching to leaders in personal and group coaching sessions. And, we publish Bible Study Teaching Plans by subscription for interactive class sessions for adult and youth learners.
Since 1998, the Center has depended on our subscribers, clients, and loyal supporters to keep us providing quality adult learning experiences for pastoral and church leaders. We have been blessed by our supporters to continue sharing this programming tailored to the needs of each client.
Your gift enables us to continue to produce and present quality events and resources by enlisting the services of conference leaders, consultants, writers, editors, and staff while further developing the infrastructure required to maintain an active web and social media presence and administrative support.
The Center for Christian Education is a registered 501(c)(3) organization and all gifts are tax deductible.